Social media

Social media is the latest tool to help churches reach a larger audience. According to the Pew Research Center, 73 percent of American adults who use the Internet are social media users, and in September 2013 alone, 1.19 billion people worldwide used Facebook. If you’ve been thinking about how to incorporate social
media into your ministry, consider the following to help protect your ministry and visitors to your social media pages.

While social media can be a valuable tool for ministry, it also comes with a variety of risks. A written social media policy can help guard against potential pitfalls. Consider addressing these matters in your policy.


  • It’s also best to ask for permission before posting certain photos.
  • copyright infringement can result in thousands of dollars in fines. Get permission from the original source before posting content that is not the ministry’s original work.
  • Define the type of content that the ministry will not tolerate on its page.

More Resources

The Social Media Church Podcast offers more than 70 episodes, each full of tips to help
churches use social media for ministry.

Bryan Baker, lead pastor at Big Timber Evangelical Church in Big Timber, Montana, shares
his thoughts on social media and life as a pastor

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