Don’t Get Distracted While Driving

Have you ever driven drowsy? Texted while behind the wheel? Or reined in rowdy behavior from the driver’s seat, so you didn’t have to stop the church van?

If so, you’re not alone. At any given time, thousands of drivers battle distractions that threaten to take their minds off the road. Crashes involving distracted drivers kill more than 3,000 people a year in America and injure more than 300,000.

Your ministry can help prevent crashes on church trips by educating drivers about traffic safety issues and enacting policies that promote distraction-free driving.

While using cell phones behind the wheel is one of the most talked about driving distractions, it’s not the only one out there. There are many other things that we do behind the wheel that you may be surprised to find are considered driving distractions!

Driver distractions are the leading cause of most vehicle crashes and near-crashes. According to a study released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI), 80% of crashes and 65% of near-crashes involve some form of driver distraction. The distraction occurred within three seconds prior to the vehicle crash!

Issue 1: Drowsiness
Ministry drivers may be asked to drive long distances on little sleep. This is often the case with youth group outings, which might require an all-night drive to reach a destination. Many accidents involving ministry vehicles each year are caused by drowsy drivers.

The policy: Always have at least one backup driver for each vehicle.

Issue 2: Cellphone Use
Using a cellphone while driving is one of the most common distractions drivers face. It’s especially dangerous because it can divert someone’s attention visually, manually, and cognitively, increasing their chances of being involved in an accident.


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