The Olympics of Independent Insurance

independent insurance, ministry insurance, CMI Risk

This week starts the summer Olympics in London. Every 2 years there are summer or winter games on an alternating 4 year schedule. I set my clocks to get up early or stay up late to watch certain events and athletes. Who can ever forget Usain Bolt’s run through the record books 4 years ago at the summer games in Beijing! This summer promises record runs, swims and basketball games as over 700 athletes from the US will compete to be the best athlete in the world at their specific event.

Now we all know that there are no official Olympics for Independent Insurance agents, much less in lowly little Portland, Oregon, my home town. But if there was, I would be the first agent to sign up and declare my eligibility! That sounds like a prideful statement but it really isn’t. You see, I have three great passions in life.

First and foremost is my love for God.  My faith in Jesus Christ has allowed me to live a full and eventful life. Faith in God, Church Ministry Insurance, Risk Insurance, CMI RiskKnowing the Creator of the universe personally is an absolute honor.  It places me on the medal podium and the race hasn’t finished yet!

My second passion is my love for my family, friends and this great nation. Jimmy Buffet sang “In My Family and Friends I have discovered treasure more valuable than gold”. What man would not exchange a bounty of wealth for the undying love of the people closest to him? If we could ask Howard Hughes or other eccentric billionaires who have passed away as a recluse, what do you think their answer might be?

Patriotism, Church ministry insurance, Risk Insurance, CMI RiskNational patriotism fortunately flows thru my veins with a Dad who was a Marine fighter pilot during WWII.  To see our veterans on July 4th or jets fly over on important sporting events makes my heart flutter and brings a tear to my eye each time.

My third and final love is to serve my community, including the people I gratefully have as customers in my business. “Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.” I would not be able to live the life I so enjoy with my family without the support and knowledge that my customers and community are there for me. What would my life be without giving back a little of my time and resources to make it a better place for us all to live in?

So, I’ll be watching the Olympics starting this week along with a billion other people across the globe. But deep down inside, I know I have already won the biggest race in life.  The one that sets me on a podium near my Lord and Savior who calls me by my first name!

Gotta love wearing that medal everyday!

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